1. Title Brainstorming:
Get up
Arise Arise
Rise and shine
Evil Alarm
Killing Instinct
Morning Fury
I like Morning Fury best.
2. Evil anthropomorphic electronics.
3. Inspired by the universal hate for bad alarm clocks and malfunctioning electronics. When equipment isn't working properly it seems to have a mind of it's own. I personally loose my effing mind when programs crash or fire alarms go off in the middle of the night.
4. The main character will experience (in this order):
- Bliss- in bed asleep
- Annoyance- Alarm begins to sound
- Anger- when it doesn't stop the first time
- Shock- Momentary when the alarm clock does not break
- Pure Violent Fury- Going crazy trying to kill the clock.
- Relief- The plug is pulled.
- Defeat- Car alarm starts outside.
The viewer will experience the first two feelings along with the main character, then amusement as he struggles.
5. I sloppy boy is battling to silence his invincible unrelenting alarm clock.
6. Logic prevails over irrational anger, against evil alarm clocks.
7. The ending is a bit abrupt but I think with the addition of the car alarm going off outside after the boy collapses in bed remedies this. Also I will have to do research to decide how the main attack will play out.
8. I'm excited about having time to develop this film to the point where I feel it's complete. Having complete control is going to be awesome too.
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