Saturday, October 30, 2010

Pitch 2 Assignment Writeup

Evil Alarm-Clock

Setup: A student is faced with an evil alarm clock that just wont stop going off.


Protagonist- Slacker, messy, student who doesn't want to get out of bed.

Antagonist- Possessed alarm clock.

Hero- Organized roommate.


-Open with pan of messy bedroom over to a bed piled with books and clothes. They seem to blend into one another seamlessly. It's late morning possibly early afternoon and the sun peeks through the closed blinds.

-We pan to the top of the bed only to get a pair of feet. we quickly pan to foot of bed and get a peek of the top of a persons head.

-Hear alarm(antagonist) fade in. P starts to move head around disoriented.

-POV of P blurry at first, then focuses on alarm clock.

-Wide shot of messy room with P reaching out of mess and smacking alarm.

-Alarm's pitch changes slightly.

-P quickly smacks it again.

-Alarm noise gets louder and worse.

-P sits up straight out of bed,(Med shot) visibly annoyed. (zoom into repulsive closeup)Face swollen, hair matted, drool, and eyeboogers.

-This pattern escalates and becomes beatbox like: quick cuts repeated noises with a tempo.

-cut to a hand pulling the plug on the alarm clock, bringing everything to a screeching halt.

-Wide shot of P's roommate( already dressed, clean and ready for the day) holding the plug.

-Brief pause.

-The roommate scoffs and exits.

-P looks down at the alarm clock in dismay.



Anonymous said...

I think this could be compelling as long as there is some really crucial climax point where the character is about to break.

This also could be very boring to people who don't know the stresses of an all nighter so you want to make sure that it could reach a wider audience than just students.

Is it supposed to be funny or dramatic? I think with this plot it could go either way.

Nicholas J. Brinker said...

It reads as the age old dilemma of not wanting to get out of bed, which if done right can work wonderfully. Just be careful of making the process go on for too long.

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